The following is a recent conversation with McCaffrey Homes President Brent McCaffrey.
How did you get into the homebuilding business?
I grew up in the business. I’m proud to be part of the
third-generation leadership team. I worked as a young boy helping the
crew with moving frames, cleaning gutters, and sweeping out the homes. I
guess you can say I learned the business from the ground up.
What did you learn during those early days about the homebuilding business?
My grandfather, John Bonadelle, taught me a lot, but the most
important lesson he taught was one about integrity. I remember him
saying: “rise and shine, it’s building time!” The most important
lesson he taught me that I live by today is that you are only as good as
your word.
What was the path that led you to be part of the third-generation leadership team at McCaffrey Homes?
I was fortunate to play football for USC and was looking to start a
professional football career with the Denver Broncos. But, an injury
ended that journey before it began. I earned a degree in urban planning
and this was about the time I lost my grandfather, so I was pulled back
to the family business. I realized that this was my calling – the
building industry was in my bones.
What is your inspiration for leading McCaffrey Homes?
What we do touches every facet of society from health and the economy
to education and the social fabric of the community. It is important
to me that we are good stewards of the land and build lasting
communities where families can thrive for generations.
What impact do you want McCaffrey Homes to have on the region?
We have a responsibility to create a vibrant community that
contributes to healthy families and strengthens the region. I am proud
of the role that McCaffrey Homes has played as an inaugural homebuilder
at Tesoro Viejo, Madera County’s newest award-winning, master-planned
community. We have taken a community from its infancy to a sustainable,
vibrant community. It was important to us that we were part of
planning a strong infrastructure for the community from the very start –
that’s why the Madera County Fire Station, Madera County Sheriff
Substation, and the K-8 school were built well before the first
homeowner moved in.
What is important for your children to understand about the work you do?
Besides learning the importance of hard work, I want my kids to
understand the responsibility that we have in building strong
communities. Once I had children, I came to understand the critical
importance of education in unlocking their future. That’s why our
communities are closely tied to the neighborhood schools. Education is
foundational for thriving communities.
What do you regard as one of your biggest accomplishments?
I would have to say the work we are doing at Tesoro Viejo with the
miles of hiking and biking trails that connect to the San Joaquin
River. It’s exciting to see the residents of the community enjoying the
trails, and people throughout the region coming out to enjoy the
trails. It’s that kind of regional impact that I am most proud of.
What advice would you give others in the homebuilding business?
Create a way to actively solicit feedback, but also find ways to
informally gain insight. Observe and listen. And most importantly, be a
student of your own work.